Cats cannot eat corned beef but you can serve them a bite. The availability and affordability of beef make it a good option for cat foods. Why Raw Beef Is Great For Cats In 2022 Animal Nutrition Feeding Raw Cat Nutrition Cats are obligate carnivores which means that they must consume meat in order to survive. . Cats love to eat meat. Cats are obligate carnivores meaning their digestive system evolved to process meat. You can feed them raw or cooked chicken turkey lamb beef or venison. Just make sure that the meat is fresh and doesnt contain any bones. Can cats eat beef. Some pet nutritionists believe that giving cats raw beef can be a great way to provide them with essential nutrients that they might not get from their regular diet. Furthermore it is full of minerals iron selenium manganese and zinc. Can cats eat raw beef. As simple as that. Cats lack the digestive enzymes necessary to bre...